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suggestion about suggestions

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: suggestion about suggestions
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 13:54:36 -0400 (EDT)

I have a suggestion for handling suggestions.
I think this will become increasingly useful as 
the Swarm user base increases (and so presumably,
users being users (!), the number of suggestions
will increase as well.

The basic idea is to set up some (simple) 
database of sorts for suggetions.
Each will have the original text,
the date, the suggesters name.
Then periodically the HiveTenders should
go through an assign
- difficulty
- priority
- estimated done time (which could include NA).
ratings to each suggestion.
Then users could look through there to see
a) has anyone else made the same or
   similar suggestion
b) is there an ETA.
The later is important so that users can
plan whether they should just roll there own,
or if they can wait for the Swarm supplied capability.

 - r

Rick Riolo                       address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
1061 Randall Lab     University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120

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