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BLTGraph tools suggestion

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: BLTGraph tools suggestion
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 13:48:36 -0400 (EDT)

It occurred to me that if the BLTGraph tools (and friends)
were not tied to a Swarm (i.e., didn't automatically assume
a Swarm would be running and a getCurrentTime() would work)
then those graphs might be generally useful for non-Swarm programs
(or for use in Swarm when a clock is not ticking, so to speak...
for example to plot some data pre-collected in a file or some
such, as a result of a user button action).

So...my suggestion is to somehow make the BLTGraph tools
not be so tightly tied to the Swarm clock.
For example, just as the lines being plotted
are set up via specifying methods to call to get values,
could the source of the horizontal axis (time)
also be controlable by specifying some method?

- r

Rick Riolo                       address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
1061 Randall Lab     University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120

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