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Re: Long suffering of Redhat 4.1 user with tcl7.6/tk4.2

From: Hal L DeVore
Subject: Re: Long suffering of Redhat 4.1 user with tcl7.6/tk4.2
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:57:11 -0500

address@hidden said:
> The short answer to your woes is (a) to install and compile the
> sources for tcl and tk off the RedHat CD, and (b) make sure the linker
> finds the correct version of blt by updating /etc/ld.so.conf and
> running ldconfig. 

No, that's NOT necessary.  I've got swarm running on Red Hat Linux 4.1 
without doing that.  At least I've been able to compile and run all the 
tutorials and the heatbugs program.

I'm using the BLT2.1 available off one of the Swarm Web pages, NOT the
version recently made available as an RPM in the Red Hat contrib directory.
It required a patch previously made available by Glen Ropella and (again)
attached below.

I'm using the libtclobjc-1.1b6.tar.gz also available off the Swarm Web.    
When running its .configure script it, it complained about not being able  
to find libtcl.a and libtk.a.  I entered the DIRECTORY where libtcl.so and 
libtk.so lived (i.e., /usr/lib).  I did not build the demo/sample program 
but simply installed it.

I'm using the following settings in my Swarm Makefile.conf file:
        OTHERINCDIRS=-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/blt/include
        OTHERLIBDIRS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/blt/lib

And that's it.  Red Hat 4.1 "stock" with all the rpms in the RedHat 
"updates" directory.

Paul, from our offlist mail exchanges I am aware that at least one of your 
rpms was incomplete.  Have you tried doing an "rpm -Va" and checking to 
see if there are other missing pieces on your system?


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