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heatbugs cold

From: Terry Jones
Subject: heatbugs cold
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 15:11:27 MDT

>>>>> "Ginger" == Ginger Booth <address@hidden> writes:

Ginger> Rick & Nelson & Terry, Sorry it's taken me so long to reply.
Ginger> Basically, I've gotten nowhere.  I've been zeroing in on
Ginger> trying to get BLT/demos/graph and swarm/apps/heatbugs to work.
Ginger> They don't.

Ginger> I got BLT from Rick (thanks, Rick!), and it does exactly what
Ginger> my BLT build did.  That being, when I hit the "You can
Ginger> configure any component by pressing this <button>" button, I
Ginger> get a little blank window with the Motif border titled
Ginger> "GraphConfig", entirely empty, and a "%" prompt appears in my
Ginger> shell.

This rings a bell...

My next guess is that your path to blt is 31 or 32 characters long.
I.e. that you have something like

#/usr/local/blt-1.8/bin/blt_wish -f

As the first line in your blt scripts. The kernel only reads the first
32 when it sees the #! and so blt_wish gets fired up but does not get
given the script (via -f). Thus the blt_wish is interactive and gives
you the % prompt.  If this is true, you can just use a symbolic link
to get yourself a shorter path to blt_wish. I've been bitten by

If this doesn't work, I'll make up a guess #3 :-)


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