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Re: [RP] complile-time bindable

From: Jonathan Walther
Subject: Re: [RP] complile-time bindable
Date: Wed Apr 9 17:22:09 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 07:30:48PM +1000, twb wrote:
I have to disagree.  Much as I think dynamic config is important, RP
is small and simple enough that it is better to do most config at
compile time (on single-user systems anyway).  This is because you get
a faster binary (significantly, I presume), and less bloat.  If RP
took days to recompile (like mozilla or emacs) then i'd agree.  Adding
to RP run-time binding config for internal functions should not be a
high priority.

Thus saith the man who doesn't know how to program in C...

At least you have the right attitude towards bloat and wank.  We'll make
a man of you yet. :-)


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