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Re: [RP] ratpoison+xbindkey problems...

From: Jonathan Walther
Subject: Re: [RP] ratpoison+xbindkey problems...
Date: Thu Oct 17 22:56:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 11:08:04AM +0530, Vardhan Varma wrote:

While adding themes is certainly a bloat,
adding a command line options, to make it non-interactive
is certainly a nice thing(tm). This will also make

>ratpoison -c windows
>ratpioson -c help

Thing is, these commands ARE non-interactive, if invoked from the
command-line.  So that extra option shouldn't be necessary.  If you are
observing these commands being interactive, that is a ratpoison bug.
What version of ratpoison are you using?

Oh, and try out that alias unbindall that Ryan just posted.  Should do
what you want without requiring any special patching of ratpoison.


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