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Re: [Protux-devel] more on RTC

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] more on RTC
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 10:53:32 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5

> You said you get an xrun after 20 fragments?

I checked my IRQs. Indeed, my SBLive was using the same IRQ as my network card. 
I changed
and now the xruns is almost gone. Only some of then in the begging of process. 
When running as
root ( so, when get RTC privilegies), they are completely gone.

> Can you see if these xruns happens at the same time the hard disk is
> accesed? Then you know it's hard disk (== irq) related, and I can start
> implementing a DiskStream class :-)

I am not sure if a diskstream is a good idea, really. I implemented a ring 
buffer in MustuxAudioFileFormats::OggFile
in order to get a constant bandwith when reading an ogg. It worked fine, as a 
diskstream would do, but
it generates too much sync problems.

I am almost sure the xrun problems is just a low latency matter.  As soon as I 
get my kernel patched, I will be
sure. Also, I studied many codes from many audio applications, and everybody 
put the xruns problems as a
low latency problem, tipical in linux kernel.

> Remon
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Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer 
Free Software Evangelist - Project Mustux - Musician Tools for GNU/Linux
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