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Re: [Protux-devel] Threaded PeakBuilding

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Threaded PeakBuilding
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:15:22 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5

> I uploaded the first implementation of a threaded PeakBuild class. It's not
> completely working as expected, sometimes the build "hangs", but I don't
> know if this has something to to with the PeakBuildThread or not.
> Please, give it a test and give me some feedback. When it fails I mostly
> get an Xlib error bij de weg.

I can check it if you want . I had these Xlib errors and I have some feed back 
on it
It happens because the graphical updating must be the MAIN thread, not the 
separated (child) thread

If you are putting any graphic/drawing call on the thread, remove it. 
You can update the graphics by calling a timer from the main thread during the 
building process

> My monitor has much 'flicker' when the TA/TPA is painted. I searched a lot
> through the code and documentation of Qt, but didn't find a solution.
> (Setting drawArea to PixMap(BestOptimization); didn't work :-( ) If you
> have any suggestions, they are very welcome!

The flicking happens because I never implemented a optimized drawing technique. 
I plan to do this in 0.2x series, since
it is related to code cleaning (which is a urgent area, by the way)

> I found some 'recreate()' calls which were not necessary (causing
> everything painted twice, or three times instead of one). If you get some
> black screens, then I must have been somewhat to enthusiastic removing
> those calls, please forgive me ;-)


> This code in Song is creating some problems:
> else if (actionName == "WORK ON NEXT EDGE")
>                       {
>                       long long w = 999999999999; // almost 1 trillion
> gcc aborts compiling with this error: integer constant is too large for
> "long" type.
> What can I do to avoid this error?


> Last but not least, recording segfaults (mentioned that in a previous
> mail). Try to see if I can fix that tomorrow.
er, dont do that. It is part of some changes I am doing. Recording/playback 
stuff are on me,
since I am improving MustuxAudioDEviceMapper. Thanks

> Ehm, Luciano, if there are things which are high on the priority list, just
> let me know. (Where is the TODO list, and "who is working on what" list?)
> Oh, sorry I just found it, but maybe we should make more use of it? :-)

You are right, some time our work conflicts.  This should be the  "TASKS" 
files, I am updating it.
So you are working in threaded peak building right ? I will put there.

Thanks Remon

> Happy coding,
> Remon
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Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer 
Free Software Evangelist - Project Mustux - Musician Tools for GNU/Linux
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