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Re: [Protux-devel] Open Task

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Open Task
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:53:17 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.5

> thanks... got a first playback working, not commited yet as there are
> still a lot of error conditions to check.
> I don't use fread, but PrafFile::get_fragment(), i think that's why this
> function is there ;-)

Yes :-) precisely :-)

> Just a question: what happens at the end of the praf clip, when fread()
> (or get_fragment()) reads less than bufsize. That would mean that the
> end of the buffer contains old audio data, which would lead to a 'noisy
> click' at the end of playback (at the edge of the new and the old data).
> Or i am completely wrong ?

read_fragment return the number of bytes sucessfully read, that
can be used to read incomplete chuncks

> I think the return value of fread should be checked, and given as an
> argument to bus_out_transfer().... or is this problem handled somewhere
> else ? Like padding the praf audio data with zeros to achieve and audio
> size which is a multiple of bufsize ? 

you can use


before reading the fragment, so the incomple chuncks will be filled with zeros


Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer - Free Software 
Project Mustux -
-- GNU/Linux adoption grew 65% only this yer. Smile : we're winning. --

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