I was reading all your responses and i must say first a big thank you.
I was pleasantly surprised to see your responses
Christophe and Stephen i did measure vibration on all axis using the raw accelerometer values and tried many materials.
As expected the worst vibration was logged on the "Y" axis and the smaller on the "Z" axis
The worst was the very soft latex foam with +- 4g vibrations and the best was the ear bud foam with +- 1.5g.
Do you think that this magnitude is acceptable as far as the mechanical dampening is concerned?
After experimenting i decided to use a two stage vibration dampening, one for the whole autopilot and one more for the IMU alone.
For the Imu i used 3 foam cushions (i don't know but it proved better than using one in each corner)
and the main board 4, i have taken a picture that i will upload from home.
I also experimented with various AHRS types and i concluded that the "float_dcm" with a moving average filter (window of 6)
applied on the raw accelerometer data made everything work as smooth as in an electric airplane.
Eduardo I also plan to perform a test tomorrow with the IMU on top of a 20Ah 3 cell lipo battery, my only problem is that the lipos must be located almost in the nose otherwise the airplane will not balance.