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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Blank GCS frame!

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Blank GCS frame!
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 20:23:51 GMT

This is always a difficult process as there are 4 different items that need to be programmed with the correct baud rate and protocol (2 modems, AP, and GCS).  I strongly recommend not messing with the protocol until you get the baud rate correct - and even then, you should not enable any advanced protocols unless you need them as they only add complication.

You can test the modems with the maxstream software.  Just connect the TX/RX pins to eachother on the airborne side and you should see any characters you send get echoed back.  In linux you can do this again to check that you have selected/compiled/configured/enabled the correct port and that you have done the hack that enables you to access your own ports.

Once you know the modems are working it should be pretty straightforward from there.

-- Mohammad Ali Haji Pour <address@hidden> wrote:

Thanks for your hint Pascal.

I changed the speed to 9600, but I am still getting the blank GCS frame. I also reconfigured the modem to be on the safe side but did not get any change in the GCS.

Best Regards,


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