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Re: [Om-synth] om_gtk: List not filled with patches...

From: Vinicius Santos
Subject: Re: [Om-synth] om_gtk: List not filled with patches...
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 21:48:03 -0200

I'm experiencing same problems, here are the outputs, with generic_cb
uncommented in OSCListener.cpp(by the way, there are two occurences).
It was build withouth lash or midi support(alsa or jack), didn't work
with those too.

address@hidden ~/repo/om-synth $ om
[DummyMidiDriver] Started Dummy MIDI driver.
[OSC] Started OSC server at osc.udp://urucubac-hntfws:16180/
[PreProcessor] Launching thread.
[PostProcessor] Starting.
(stops here until I start om_gtk, and then continues with:)

cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Cannot allocate memory)
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 9) [for thread
65541, from thread 65541] (1: Operation not permitted)
[JackAudioDriver] Activated Jack client.
[OSC] Registered client osc.udp://urucubac-hntfws:17937/ (1 clients)
[JackAudioDriver] Enabling.
[NodeFactory] DSSI_PATH is empty.  Assuming

address@hidden ~ $ om_gtk
[GladeFactory] Loading widgets from /usr/local/share/om/
[StateManager] Unable to open settings file /home/vininim/.omgtkrc
[Main] No engine URL specified.  Attempting to use osc.udp://localhost:16180
[OSCController] Started OSC listener on port 18027
[OSCController] Attempting to contact engine at osc.udp://localhost:16180/ .[OSC
Msg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  1

[OSCCon[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  0

trol[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  1

ler[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  2

] Waiting for response 2:  received.
[Controller] Registered with engine
[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  3

[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  4

[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  5
(then I create a patch, named "test1234" polyphony 1)

[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  6

[OSCMsg] /om/response/ok
         'i'  7

the realtime thing is because I'm using Andrew Morton's patched
kernel, and I haven't configure it for my user to use. Don't think it
is related though...

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