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Re: [Monotone-devel] how to add one RCS file to a MT repository?

From: Daniel M. German
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] how to add one RCS file to a MT repository?
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 22:44:21 -0700 (PDT)

 Nathaniel> > My question is, how do I add the contents of an RCS file so it 
 Nathaniel> > properly placed in the tree hierarchy?
 Nathaniel> > 
 Nathaniel> > For instance, I have an RCS file called file,v and I want it 
placed in
 Nathaniel> > the following directory, within the working copy of my MT 
 Nathaniel> > 
 Nathaniel> > x/y/z 
 Nathaniel> > 
 Nathaniel> > in the working copy (the final name of the file would be 
 Nathaniel> I am not sure what exactly you want.  You can certainly

I wanted to import the history of just one file into monotone. Some
of the history I keep is in RCS files (not even a CVS module).

The version of the man page is different that your description:

       rcs_import <rcsfile> ...
              Import all file versions in  RCS  files.  Does  not  reconstruct
              revisions across the entire tree.

I was trying to do just that: get each version of the file as
recorded in the ,v file. 

I found a workaround: I created the directories x/y/z, then placed
the ,v file in the z directory and used cvs_import x

It worked.

I suggest the man page and the info file get updated to reflect that
rcs_import does nothing (I spend several hours today trying to
understand why it wasn't doing anything :) I appreciate the help, nonetheless.

 Nathaniel> There are two commands you might be thinking of:
 Nathaniel>   -- cvs_import: this takes a CVS repo (usually module, actually), 
 Nathaniel>      imports the full history of this repo into a newly created
 Nathaniel>      monotone branch
 Nathaniel>   -- rcs_import: just an RCS file parser, basically, useless except
 Nathaniel>      to developers debugging cvs_import support.
 Nathaniel> So, I am still not quite sure how I can help you...
 Nathaniel> -- Nathaniel
 Nathaniel> -- 
 Nathaniel> "...these, like all words, have single, decontextualized meanings: 
 Nathaniel> knows what each of these words means, everyone knows what 
constitutes an
 Nathaniel> instance of each of their referents.  Language is fixed.  Meaning is
 Nathaniel> certain.  Santa Claus comes down the chimney at midnight on 
December 24."
 Nathaniel>   -- The Language War, Robin Lakoff

Daniel M. German                  "Programming is like sex
                                   --one mistake and you'll have
                                   to support it for
   Anonymous ->                    the rest of your life."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


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