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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] [patch] upgrade packages glib gtk

From: Mark Brand
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] [patch] upgrade packages glib gtk
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:59:25 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100308 SUSE/3.1b1-6.3 Thunderbird/3.1b1

Looking at the releases on gtk.org, it seems they follow the
odd-unstable, even-release numbering system. There's been three
releases of glib 2.25 in the past week - maybe we should revert to the
2.24 series, it's only just come out and they seem to have six month
release cycle?
I have no objection.
Okay, so I reverted your glib upgrade completely:


Going back to glib 2.24 causes the configure step to fail for gtk 2.20. Seems to have do with missing gio-windows-2.pc. This file came comes with glib 2.25 but not 2.24. The fatal error is actually "Can't find cairo-pdf.h", but I suspect it stems from the missing gio-windows-2.pc.

Maybe we should go back to gtk 2.19.6 version (before commit 7089cd796690). (Isn't that a development release though?)

By the way, if odd subversion numbers are development and even are stable, then it seems that a stable version of gtk can depend on a development version of glib. This is confirmed here:

The simple strategy of "latest stable glib and gtk" seems untenable, since they may be mismatched.


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