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Re: lynx-dev LYNX: should nested <blockquotes> indent even further?

From: Bela Lubkin
Subject: Re: lynx-dev LYNX: should nested <blockquotes> indent even further?
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:09:11 -0800

Henry Nelson wrote:

> > I think that increasing the indentation level for nested blockquotes is a
> > place for improvement here ;-).
> This complaint goes back many, many years, and not with anything nearly
> so obscure as _nested_ anything, but with simple headers.  A LOT of
> thought, grief and compromises went into making a presentation which was
> acceptable to the majority (of people active on the developers' list).
> Basically it boils down to how the majority of lynx users want to use
> those precious 80 character cells.  (I suspect wide-screen users are still
> in the minority.)  Before someone goes off on a crusade to write the code
> to increase indentation for each level of nesting, he/she might want to
> check out the pros and cons and get the opinions of other users.

There are obviously users who would prefer it either way.  Lynx is
nearly infinitely configurable; adding a knob for "how much to indent
each blockquote" wouldn't hurt.  (If CSS is ever implemented, it would
surely cover this?)


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