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Re: lynx-dev Link numbering and keypad mode

From: Jacob Poon
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Link numbering and keypad mode
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 18:16:08 -0500

On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Bela Lubkin wrote:

> Basically the idea is to decouple this option, resulting in two new
> options:
>   [1] Keypad acts as:    numbers  OR  arrows
>   [2] Link numbers are:  hidden   OR  displayed
> The current behaviors would stay the same.  However, a new combination
> would become available: link numbers are displayed, but keypad acts as
> arrows.
> Note that in keypad-as-arrows mode, there is an escape to get to keypad-
> as-numbers mode: hit "0".  Also, as Ismael Cordeiro points out, the
> keypad is automatically understood as numbers in places where that makes
> sense (anywhere you can enter text -- usually form fields).

This is not a good idea.  Because if I want keypad key to act as numbers
(in navigation mode), then '0' should behave the same, doesn't matter
where I press it.

> At this point in Lynx's development, I even wonder whether anyone still
> needs "keypad-as-numbers" mode.  As an informal survey: who would
> currently be bothered if the keypad *always* acted as arrows, except
> when prefixed with "0" to make them into numbers?

I do.  As a 101-key keyboard user, I always turned on numlock and I use
the keypad keys exclusively for numeric entries (at least for over 99.999%
of the time). If keypad keys can no longer be treated as numbers by
default, then I will definitely be annoyed.

Besides, under vt-100 terminals (at least on my terminal program), Numlock
key is used to toggle keypad keys between 'numeric mode' and 'application
mode'.  It is not beneficial for Lynx to force all 10 functions onto the
keypad.  If I want keypad to behave like arrows, I just use the Numlock to
toggle it.  There is no need to assign another key as the second Numlock. 

Therefore, there should be a third choice in 'Keypad act as' setting
called 'terminal specific'.  This choice should allow 101/104/106-key
keyboards to toggle the functions of the keypad keys between cursor
movements (or 'application keys') and numeric entries, without Lynx to
override terminal settings.

BTW, this will also benefit 84-key keyboard users too, because their
keyboards will behave more closely to the terminals they choose. 

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