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LYNX-DEV ac81 chartrans problems

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: LYNX-DEV ac81 chartrans problems
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 18:33:50 +0400 (MSD)


I just tested ac81 for DOS, there are several chartrans problems found.
They are not new, but now "time".

1) if I fill up the input form from keyboard
few characters in cyrillic not displayed properly (cp866 keyb&display):
cyrillic small "p" replaced by "/"
cyrillic small "a" replaced by space
cyrillic caps "Che" replaced by nothing
cyrillic caps "yer~I" override the next coming character

2) Are you sure in "A)ssume charset if unknown" (Options)?
There are several "assume charset" in command line (from help):
    -assume_charset=MIMEname  charset for documents that don't specify it
    -assume_local_charset=MIMEname  charset assumed for local files
    -assume_unrec_charset=MIMEname  use this instead of unrecognized charsets

Seems we need definitely another then assume_unrec_charset
(there is almost no such pages for Lynx
because of a huge list of chartrans you supported).
Instead, a lot of real pages don't specify its charset
but "keep in mind" not ISOLatin1, witch is default.
So, I asked you about assume_charset: "Assume charset if not specified".

3) if I "print" the html source to local file,
it saves in "current display charset",
but META charset (if exist on the page) not changed.
Therefore later I got messed up html file.

4) a known problem with history mechanism for "assumed" charset
while browsing the source "/".
I think "history" should come from the state if you press "/" again,
not from any other file witch was looked before, as you explain:

> If a "charset" is only in a META tag, Lynx can only know about it if the
> HTML is parsed and the META is interpreted.  Normally Lynx would forget
> what it knows about a document when you switch to SOURCE with '\', since
> it has to be reloaded, and then the normal ASSUME_* would be in effect.
> As a partial workaround, there is some "remember the charset from the last
> time" when '\' is used, but it is not complete.  It does not work if Lynx
> _totally_ forgets about a loaded text before reloading, and whether that
> happens depends on various things in the wwwlib mechanism which keeps
> track of documents and links between them, and which didn't change from
> previous versions.  Approximately, if there are links from other loaded
> documents to the current one, then the "total forgetting" does not happen.
> So if you have just followed a link to a HTML text, and then type '\',
> Lynx should use the same charset; if you went to the current doc with 'g'
> and there are no links to it from where you were before, or if it is the
> startup (first) document, Lynx doesn't remember the previous charset.
> Is this acceptable?
> As a workaround, you could try to go to the text whose source you want to
> see through a link; adding it to a bookmark file (maybe temporarily) and
> then going from there should have this effect, also going through the
> 'V'isited Links Page (but not the History Page), also, if it is a local
> file, going through a directory listing (but not if local dired is in
> effect since there is some extra expiring going on - I think this caveat
> doesn't apply for Lynx386 since dired is not compiled in (?)).
>    Klaus


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