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Re: [lwip-devel] core/timers.c with NO_SYS?

From: Simon Goldschmidt
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] core/timers.c with NO_SYS?
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 06:40:15 +0200

Leon Woestenberg <address@hidden> wrote:

> It's off-topic, but it's also because I'm looking forward to deal with
> hard real-time systems, where neither the Ethernet interface or bad
> synchronization designs impact badly on the preemptiveness of the
> system. There are some industrial Ethernet standards around that are
> real-time in nature, think in that scope.

You're not the only one there: That's what I've been using lwIP with in the 
first project where I used it. However, lwIP was only used as IP stack for 
parallel low priority communication, the industrial Ethernet protocol was 
handled by a different stack. The two stacks shared an ethernet controller, of 
course, and there have been no problems with the current locking design of lwIP.


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