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Re: tie problem

From: Steve D
Subject: Re: tie problem
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 15:21:44 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

Mats and Kieren, thanks again for your explanations of
the << {} \\ {} >> construct (and its variants), and how to make ties
cross the boundaries of the simultaneous music construct into the
non-simultaneous music before or after it. Thanks to those explanations
I was able to solve a problem, in a composition I'm currently notating,
like this--

rightHand = \relative c'' {
% bar 1
    \key c \major \time 4/4 \clef treble <e, g c>2.. <ees g c>8~ |
    <ees g c>~ <ees aes c>4 <ees aes c>4 <f bes d>8~ <f bes d>4 |
    <g e'>4 <e c'> << \new Voice { \voiceOne c'4. r8 }
        { \voiceTwo e,8 f g \oneVoice \stemDown <ees g bes>8~
        \stemNeutral } >> |
    <ees g bes>4. <f a>8~ \afterGrace <f a>2 {bes16[ a]} |

--which prduced the result in the attached .png graphic (see bars 3-4 of
the treble clef)

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.
-Douglas Adams

Attachment: voices-and-ties-example.png
Description: PNG image

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