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Re: Issue 2245: always align dynamics and lyrics on "main" notehead (iss

From: markpolesky
Subject: Re: Issue 2245: always align dynamics and lyrics on "main" notehead (issue 108270044 by address@hidden)
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 18:58:10 +0000

Janek Warchoł wrote:
While I think that it's better to always align lyrics to
the "main notehead", I knew that some people would prefer
to do this otherwise, so the patch allows to choose how to
align LyricTexts (and DynamicTexts)

Okay, this is less problematic than I thought it was, and
I'm slowly convincing myself that for LyricText,
main-notehead-alignment is better than NoteColumn-alignment.
However, for DynamicText, I think NoteColumn-alignment is
preferable, especially when the main notehead is on the
right of the stem.  Gould (p.103) writes:

  "When vertical space is limited, move a dynamic to the
  left of the note -- never to the right, since the note has
  already started!"

\override LyricText.X-align-on-main-noteheads = ##f

I think this interface (with booleans) is confusing; I would
prefer a choice of symbols, something like this:

  \override LyricText.X-alignment-anchor = #'NoteHead
  \override LyricText.X-alignment-anchor = #'NoteColumn

git complains about trailing whitespace here.

It was already there before, but i'll remove it in the
next patchset.

I have this in my .vimrc:

  " Remove trailing whitespace on write
  autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e

- Mark
File scm/define-grobs.scm (right):
scm/define-grobs.scm:589: (X-offset .
Not a requirement, but you might as well alphabetize the prop-list while
you're there (case-insensitive, so 'X-extent comes after
'vertical-skylines).  Same for the other prop-lists you modify below.

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