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mergin web/ with master/

From: Graham Percival
Subject: mergin web/ with master/
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 11:18:38 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Do we need a separate branch (or even repository) for web/ stuff?
I propose that we merge this with the main branch.

+ one less branch/repo to track
+ easier to fix typos in the web pages
+ we can direct everybody to look at the CG (no more README in the
newweb/ branch)
+ allows better integration with the other docs (this is more a
post-GOP feature)

- adds 30 megs to the main branch (including the .git dir)
- makes translations harder?  (maybe?  ... I don't know if this is
  true, but IMO this is the only real reason to avoid doing this)

If we agree with this proposal, then we'll be left with:
lilypond repo
. master branch
   . individual testing branches
   . archive branches of old stables
. translation branch

gub repo
. master

- Graham

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