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Re: New Python script: skeleton maker

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re: New Python script: skeleton maker
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 10:34:23 +0200

Neil Tiffin wrote:
> John,
> When I copy the example I get a syntax error (see below).  Also the 
> syntax for the staff list is a mystery to me.  Could you please make 
> this easier and include a very simple example;
I agree with you, this is not really easy...
Now I have finished this work, I find it's not simpler for new LilyPond
users to use this script than to take an example template from the
documentation, because you already have to know LilyPond to use this

> For example I tried
> (g;;)
> (g;;;;;;)
> (g;treble;treble;treble;;;)
> {(g:treble)(g:bass)}
The 2nd and 3rd would work if the 5th argument wasn't missing. this
argument is an expression name: as explained in README, it has to be non
null (its length must be at least one character), it's the name of the
expression which contains the notes in this staff. The script identifies
a staff definition with a regular expression, that's why I couldn't make
more helpful error messages.

Here's a simple example:
solo instrument (with a smaller staff size) and piano:
See other examples in the test files test3 and test4.

> All of which did not work.  Now, it is probably obvious to everyone 
> else why these did not work.  But then, I am not experienced with 
> lilypond at all, just learning.  All I wanted was a simple piano 
> staff with a bass and treble clef.
If you want only a Piano staff, just answer 'no' when you are asked 'Are
there multiple staves in your piece?' then select grand staff.

> Example: <(nlm;soprano;Soprano;Sop.;soprano;;-2)>[(n;treble;English 
> Horn;E.H.;engHorn;f, c;-2)(nk;treble;Horn in E flat;Hrn E 
> fl.;horn;es, c;-2)](gmx,,Piano,Pno.,piano)
Sorry, I made a mistake in this example, in the Piano definition: the
correct example is:
Horn;E.H.;engHorn;f, c;-2)(nk;treble;Horn in E flat;Hrn E 
fl.;horn;es, c;-2)](gmx;;Piano;Pno.;piano;;)

Thank you for having tested it!
John Mandereau <address@hidden>

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