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gnus on XP

From: notbob
Subject: gnus on XP
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:23:53 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071210)

Howdy.  emacs noob, here.

I'm occasionally stuck using a suck XP box instead of my beloved Slackware. Being a CLI freak, I d/l'd emacs to use gnus. But, so far no joy. I ran runemacs.exe and even addpm.exe. I also created a C:\.emacs and C:\.gnus file. In .gnus, I put:

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp ""))

I get:

Loading gnus-ml...done
Loading byte-opt...done
Opening nntp server on
Denied server
Opening nntp server on
gnus-select-newsgroup: Couldn't open server
exchange-point-and-mark: No mark set in this buffer

....after showing my newsserver in the stat bar and even offering up alt.os.linux.slackware newsgroup and I selecting it.

At no time am I promted for a username or password, which my service requires. I'm reading emacs and news and faqs as fast as I can and have searched google and groups (to no avail), but sure could use some advice. Also, is there a good emacs/gnus irc chat room?

Thank you

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