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Re: gcj inner class syntax sugar.

From: Noel Yap
Subject: Re: gcj inner class syntax sugar.
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 08:59:47 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040212)

The $ is a Java thing so GCJ may have its hands tied.


Paul D. Smith wrote:

%% Steve Pribyl <address@hidden> writes:

  sp> I am trying to build an application using GCJ.  GCJ creates file
  sp> with "$" in the name.

Um.  Ouch.

I wonder if there's any opportunity to discuss this naming convention
with the GCJ folks, and maybe get it changed?  This will make using GNU
make (or any other make) with GCJ quite painful.  For whatever reason,
handling of special characters in make is and always has been an
ill-defined and difficult area... best to simply avoid them.

Characters which are special to GNU make are whitespace, colon (":"),
and dollar ("$").  If you're being cautious it's not a bad idea to avoid
semicolon (";") and sharp/pound ("#"), and _maybe_ equal ("=") as well.

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