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[Help-gnunet] Losing connections

From: Nathan Lutchansky
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Losing connections
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 11:29:00 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

My gnunetd 0.5.0b seems to work fine for a while, connecting to 4 or 5
hosts, although it will print "WARNING: SKEY rejected from host [host
key]" every few minutes, occasionally along with "WARNING:
makeSesionKeySigned: cannot encrypt sessionkey, other host not known!".

After it has been running for a few days, the connection count drops to 
zero, and the logs contain only the "cannot encrypt sessionkey" messages.

Any suggestions as to what's wrong?  I'm hesitant to set the debugging 
level lower, since this problem takes several days to manifest itself and 
the logs would get HUGE.  Is this a known problem?

I also see a lot of "MESSAGE: protocol number advertised (6) does not 
match any known protocol." messages.  I assume this is because I disabled 
the TCP transport and am only using UDP.  -Nathan

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