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Re: [Gzz] Vobs and scene graphs

From: B. Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Vobs and scene graphs
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:02:39 +0200
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Tuomas Lukka wrote:
Re the recent discussion on the jyu list about vobs and Berlin/Fresco (www.fresco.org). This made me think about the applicability of vobs to scene graph systems, again.

In a sense a VobScene represents a scene graph. A vob system could be implemented in which each VobScene is basically a scene graph with keys from the model being attached at each node.

Vobs need some more thinking: in the end it turned out that the key paradigm made PP actually more *DIFFICULT* to implement; the key paradigm
currently doesn't allow enough fine-tuning. For PP, we want to take more
control, say "animate X to Y", i.e. the particular view that was clicked
should be the one to animate to the center.

Yes, but wasn't that clear before? I mean, not even the simplest Zz views (repeating row/col) are implementable in the key paradigm painlessly. Or think about dimension lists and flobpaths.

What exactly do we need to do that the current system can't?

Another comment: I don't think Fresco supports connections between two different branches in the scene graph, from what I read. This is very important to us-- and could be interesting to them? But I would not know how to implement that in their architecture.

Actually, I see two ways. If there's a connection between B and C, both inside A, the connection could be a child of A and somehow try to find B and C inside A, or it could be a child of *both* B and C, but this would break the Fresco paradigm that if X is a child of Y and Z that's exactly the same thing as if there were two copies of X in Y and Z.

Or maybe, two objects inside B and C which have pointers to each other...

True, this is important; vital to get performance tuned right for PP.

What does it have to do with performance?

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