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[GWhere-discussion] Re[4]: Encoding under Windows and Linux

From: fuzzy2
Subject: [GWhere-discussion] Re[4]: Encoding under Windows and Linux
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 10:15:11 +0400 (MSD)

Hello Zero and list.

>> 2. No I can type russian letters under Linux (I can't do it before). But
>> it doesn't helps. If I try to create catalog with russian name then
>> program didn't respond to 'OK' key in window 'New catalog'. (If catalog
>> name is in english than all is ok). If I try to add CD with russian
>> description than program suggest me to ender disk description and accepts
>> only english description again (If I typed in russian description then
>> window with question appeared again).
>> Could you give me some more advices?
>> Or may be I can help you to test this behaviour?
>Could you send me a sample catalog created under MS Windows with russian
>description please ? If you prefer, you can send me a catalog to my
>personal email address.

All information above are correct, but I have collected some additional 
I created new catalog under Windows (it is attached to this mail as 
Ru_discs.ctg). Several CD/DVD were added to this catalog with russian 
descriptions and russian file names (you can see a lot of russian files at the 
end of mp3 on first 4 music CDs). Under Windows all is fine except I can't 
assign any russian category. I can create category with russian name but when I 
try to assign it I see empty space instead of russian name of category and 
GWhere don't allow me to assign such "empty" category.
Then I copy this Ru_discs.ctg into Linux. Now I have GWhere compiled with 
--enable-gtk20. I suppose that as result of it I don't see '?' instead of every 
russian letter. At present moment I see russian filenames and descriptions 
coded with strange symbols. I suppose that I see strange symbols because of 
wrong font charset - for example GWhere uses KOI8-R instead of cp1251. (If you 
need I can send you screenshots from Linux and Windows to show difference).
Then I tried to create catalog under Linux (it is attached as 
Ru_discs_Linux.ctg). One CD was added to this catalog - the result is the same, 
I see strange symbols instead of russian letters. But I can't add any russian 
description, custom disc name or category as I mentioned before GWhere don't 
allow me to push OK button after russian name was entered.
In addition I have attached to this mail my file /etc/sysconfig/i18n from Linux 
that contains system settings for internationalizaion.
If you need more additional information don't hesistate to ask me. I will try 
to provide you as much info as I can because at present moment GWhere is the 
best catalog program that runs equally under Linux and Windows. So I want to 
help you to do it better :-)

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,

Attachment: Ru_discs.ctg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Ru_discs_Linux.ctg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: i18n
Description: Binary data

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