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Re: GPSD 3.23~rc1 connection to GPS

From: Aranza Shaccid Leon
Subject: Re: GPSD 3.23~rc1 connection to GPS
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 21:51:58 -0700

Hello and good afternoon!

Okay thank you for the advice. I'm attempting to have all this information moved into an Excel file, so I'm also attempting to use gpspipe for the JSON format since Excel can obtain data from a JSON file, but it currently states that there is an error "We found extra characters at the end of JSON input". I've been looking through the JSON data and using reformatters to check what the issue is and I've found that it has an error of multiple JSON root error (according to the formatter) and after placing brackets between the beginning of the JSON message and the end and including commas between each new class ( }, {"class":SKY) that Excel will now open and organize the data.  Is there any way I can alter the JSON format within the code to include these commas? Otherwise if I'm attempting to collect a large group of data, parsing through the JSON to place commas before every class would be inconvenient.

Also following on the suggestion of running gpscsv three different times, I could attempt this but the only issue is the time column. I've was attempting this with the TPV class and SKY class since I understand the SAT class will produce more data per second than the other two, but due to the different starting times the merge of these two in Excel was slightly strange. Below I will try to send the data:
time lat lon altHAE gps2.time gps2.xdop gps2.ydop gps2.vdop gps2.tdop gps2.hdop gps2.gdop gps2.pdop
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636974 -86.5541748 180.492
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5637008 -86.554154 182.294 8/9/2021 14:04 0.66 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636981 -86.5541725 180.747
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5637009 -86.5541525 182.554 8/9/2021 14:04 0.66 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636981 -86.5541698 180.976
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5637005 -86.5541493 182.789 8/9/2021 14:04 0.66 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636986 -86.5541665 181.283
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636991 -86.5541474 183.059 8/9/2021 14:04 0.66 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636986 -86.5541633 181.511
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636982 -86.5541471 183.283 8/9/2021 14:04 0.67 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636991 -86.5541602 181.683
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636981 -86.5541474 183.481 8/9/2021 14:05 0.67 0.95 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5636997 -86.5541577 181.869
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636976 -86.5541468 183.603 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.55 1.14 1.16 2.24 1.93
8/9/2021 14:04 41.5637005 -86.5541556 182.063
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636976 -86.5541457 183.737 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636965 -86.5541454 184.007 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636966 -86.5541459 184.206 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636969 -86.554145 184.325 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636968 -86.5541458 184.569 8/9/2021 14:05 0.56 0.85 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77
8/9/2021 14:05 41.5636979 -86.5541456 184.736 8/9/2021 14:05 0.59 0.89 1.45 1 1.02 2.04 1.77

My attempt to have the SKY,TPV, and SAT data running simultaneously is to create a program where all three will run under one command. I wished to ask if it possible to make a program within Putty to have gpscsv -c TPV>gps1.txt and gpscsv -c SKY>gps2.txt. I attempted this by opening a file named and used these commands, but the following errors occurred. May I ask if there is anyway to write this program or what commands I should be using instead?

pi@clover-9676:~ $ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'gpscsv' is not defined
pi@clover-9676:~ $ nano
pi@clover-9676:~ $ python3
  File "", line 1
    gpscsv -c SKY >gps1.txt
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Thank you for your time and consideration.


On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 11:39 PM Gary E. Miller <> wrote:
Yo Aranza!

On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 22:50:02 -0500
Aranza Shaccid Leon <> wrote:

> May I ask if there is anyway to combine the TPV class
> data, SKY class data, and SAT class data into one CSV file?

Not standard gpsd tool does that.  You could use something like jq.

Or use gpscsv 3 times on the same data and then join the 3 csv files.

> I’m trying to find a method/command for gpscsv that can place all
> this data in the same csv file at the same time.  It’s essential that
> I have the SNR, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, uSat, nSat, gnss id,
> svid, xdop, pdop, gdop, ydop, vdop, elevation, speed, climb, and time
> in the same file. Is there a way to do this?

There is always a way, but nothing standard.

And remember that the SKY (which includes SAT) messages are usually not
output at the same rate as the TPV messages.

And your csv files would now be very wide, maybe over several hundred cols

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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