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Re: [open-cobol-list] future Developments, Brain Storming

From: Patrick
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] future Developments, Brain Storming
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 09:20:59 -0400
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Hi Brian

Thanks for all your great feedback.

Since all C is valid C++ code, it shouldn't be so hard to rework the build system to compile the presently generated C code as C++. I will need to read up on autotools a bit but if you want me crate a modified build system I can?

I don't know anything about the function ALL but I will read up on it and see if this is something I can tackle.

I really like Ada but the one thing that was driven me from it to open Cobol is the compiler. It is about 400K lines of code. It's too much for me to handle. I will never understand it and that leaves me pretty much stuck with where Adacore wants to take the language. >10 years after most people moved to ARM for embedded design, Adacore is now working on a port. It's crazy that an embedded language can hardly be used with any embedded targets(as in no OS). They are moving to ARM now that their customer base is. If it was me, I would have done that 10 years ago so that I would have a larger customer base but any-who, you get the point. OC has a small compiler and is hackable. I think I should be able to use OC in most of the places that I wanted to use Ada and if I was backed into a corner I could probably do this autonomously.

I have looked at the Vala sources. They intimated me a bit like GNAT. the source code seems to be about 100K lines. I would like to figure out what parts I could look at to see how vapigen works internally but it could take me some time.

I like FLTK. It uses a small subset of C++. It sounds like even many professional "day-coders" use a subset of C++. Do you think we could use a very small subset of C++ to implement the 2002 features?


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