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[open-cobol-list] PIC not allowed

From: Haroldo Stenger
Subject: [open-cobol-list] PIC not allowed
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 04:36:12 -0300

hi !

I've just discovered open cobol , and I'm amazed. Big THANK YOU to you.

I think I'll ask a lot of questions, trying to get my old RM COBOL 85 system fully compiled by Open cobol.

The first of which is : Even if the code below compiles fine in RM COBOL 85 , it gets me a syntax error , even if I put -std=cobol85 in the cobc command line:

       01 CAF-NUMERO PIC 999 COMP-1.
           05 CAF-ALFANUM-2 PIC X.
           05 CAF-ALFANUM PIC X.

The idea there is to split a number.

Is there a way that I can make the code compile ?

best regards ,


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