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[glob2-devel] Yog web stats

From: Maxime GUYOT
Subject: [glob2-devel] Yog web stats
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 23:43:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)


Like it Jon Neal said before, i'm working on adding statistics into YOG.
Precisely i'm trying to make some sort of http version for YOG. The idea
is to see, comment, rate,browse and download maps in your favorite web

I've done a working version of that. Here is how it works :
set "glob2 -stats" as a cron job (every 15 minutes by example). This
will send maps informations (filename, author, ratings, mapname etc...)
to a MySQL database.
Now there you just need a website or some php (or whatever) code to
access this data.

Data exported to MySQL includes : maps, login informations (with hash

As a proof of concept (or first start), i've done some PHP code to show
what's possible. You can see it here :
this is hosted on my laptop so i do not guarantee the uptime :D

What do you think about it ? if you have any ideas your welcolme ;)

See you !

PS: my nick on IRC is Miouge

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