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Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2020 14:25:50 +0300
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On 20.06.2020 09:43, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

So all you want to add to the current doc string is "...and doesn't
belong to some other project"?

I don't know about that. Interpreting that literally would mean that such buffers would never be suggested because they "belong to some other project" (according to the reasoning which gave rise to this wording) no matter which of the projects is the current one: "the outer", or "the inner".

So what we should say is just "belongs to the current project". The implication being that if it's inside a nested project, it doesn't belong to the outer one.

But the default-directory of these buffers is a very weak evidence of
them being relevant to some project.  E.g., I could (and many times
do) grep some other project when I need to see how it solves some
problem which is relevant to what I'm working on now.

That is a case of working on multiple projects at once.

No, it isn't.  I'm working on a single project, but need to look
outside of its directory to find some information.  A very natural
thing to do, and it doesn't mean I started working on another
project.  More importantly, I do want that Grep buffer be available to
me as part of the current project, because I'm likely to return there
more than once.

And bookmarks/switch-to-buffer/registers are not good options for this goal?

And whatever your purpose of grepping it, wouldn't you agree that
that grep buffer is probably closer to the "other" project rather
that to the current one?

No.  And that "other" project doesn't even have to be a "project" in
the project.el sense of the word.

Here's one direction how it could be resolved:

Make sure project-vc-external-roots-function points to a function that returns a list which includes the "other" directory. By default, it will include the directories where tags tables reside.

Then create a new command, project-or-external-switch-to-buffer. Which would check for default-directory belonging not only to the project root, but for belonging the external roots as well.

To reuse your argument, 'M-x switch-to-buffer' is still available for
borderline cases.

An argument that you dismissed previously.

I dismissed it as in "people wanted to call this command less". But my specific wording also made provision for it being necessary at least sometimes.

But you made this argument. So perhaps it may be good enough for your purposes. Am I wrong here?

I don't want to dismiss your request outright, but we'll need to have some design which would fit the existing model and/or wouldn't be hard to support. Because exceptions and edge cases tend to pile up, if we just start adding exceptions here and there.

I think that non file-visiting buffers are rarely related to a
project, an exception rather than a rule.  My suggestion is therefore
to turn the table and come up with a list of such buffers that
_always_ are related to a specific project.  And instead of using the
default-directory as evidence for the buffer's relevance, we may need
a command that explicitly makes a buffer related to a project.

Well, Phil gave a list of examples. And in all of those cases, I think, default-directory worked well as an indicator.

In my work, having Grep buffer's default-directory belong to the current project is also a string indicator.

So default-directory is not the worst indicator.

I'm saying it isn't the best, either.  We have just discovered at
least 2 problems with it.  We should try to find a better one.

One might interpret your request essentially as "I want any buffer, arbitrarily, based on my current intention, be associated with the current project". It's probably not as arbitrary, so you're welcome to suggest an alternative indicator.

But we should also try the new command out and document our experiences.

IMNSHO, some thought is required even before we hope the experience
will teach us in due time.  Doing this only by trial and error runs
the risk of converging on a design that is found later to be
restrictive, or one that cannot be easily extended to support
behaviors not accounted for or envisioned originally.

I'm not suggesting trying it for a few years. The command is here already, so the process has started.

So far Theodor agreed too. And myself as well. You alone have voiced
disagreement. With this distribution of votes, it seems the default
behavior should default to including non-file-visiting buffers (with
some agreed-upon exceptions).

For an opinion to "count", it doesn't have to _replace_ the other
opinions.  It could be taken into consideration by augmenting the
design so that it supports both kinds of behaviors.  This is IME
better than flatly discarding the dissenting opinions.


And, of course, we can add a user option that would allow to tweak
the choosing logic.

Sub-optimal selection of the "belongs to a project" criteria will make
any such user options cumbersome and hard to use.  IOW, user options
shouldn't be considered as means to "fix" sub-optimal design.  We are
at a point where we can make the design better, if we consider a wider
variety of project-related activities.

Also agree.

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