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[DotGNU]NUnit on Windows XP problem

From: Andrew Revvo
Subject: [DotGNU]NUnit on Windows XP problem
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 05:56:07 +0400


I cannot use nunit with PNET 0.6.8 on Windows XP
Please help.

Steps, what I did:
1. Create test.cs file
2. Test it with Microsoft Net Framework 1.1 and NUnit 2.2
All work fine.

3. Compile the test with pnet:
cscc.exe -o test.dll -O3 -lnunit.framework -winforms -shared test.cs
4. Execute PNET command line console
5. Enter: ilrun nunit-console-pnet.exe test.dll
I get this message:
nunit-console-pnet.exe: No such file or directory
Ok...enter the full path:
ilrun "%pnet%\bin\nunit-console-pnet.exe" test.dll
I get the message about NUnit 2.1.91 and the error:
Assembly not found: test
Ок...enter the full path:
ilrun "%pnet%\bin\nunit-console-pnet.exe" c:\pnet\test.dll
I get the error message again.

What is wrong?

The test.cs file:
--- using System;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace ClassesTests
public class MainTests
public void Test1()
Assert.AreEqual(false, true, "Fail");
Thank you,
Andrew Revvo

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