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Re: Look and Feel

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Look and Feel
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 05:48:35 +0000

Le 14 févr. 05, à 04:58, Jesse Ross a écrit :

I'm thinking of what a user first sees when they launch a GNUstep based environment, be it Backbone or Etoile, or Garma or the LiveCD or what-have-you.


I realize that this is more the responsibility of the desktop than GNUstep,

that's exactly the point, yes.

but I believe I've read correctly that many users and developers on the list would like to have some "theme" defined for GNUstep so that users can easily recognize the environment, and we can more easily market it.

yes, a "default" theme could be nice. but..

Currently, this "theme" is the NeXT-inspired one, even if it's not a theme proper. I would like to see that theme updated, and it doesn't matter much to me where it is implemented.

.. I doubt we'll change the NeXT theme to another one. However, it's not exactly important, because you can easily use another theme.

Using Camaelon seems like a fine way to do it, as long as all the desktop environments agree to utilize that method. If using Camaelon would slow the system or create extra overhead, than I would prefer it was made the "native" look.

Camaelon will have extra overhead -- but it's just because it uses pixmap instead of drawing things "by hand" using NSBezierPath et al.

In other words, if you were to implements a new "native" look using pixmaps it will be as slow as camaelon.

A theme bundle by itself doesn't really add overhead, as it just poseAs: the class GSDrawFunctions (more exactly, Camaelon does that and poseAs also a lot of existing widgets that don't fully rely on GSDrawFunctions or use assumptions about the kind of drawings they need... I plan to move thoses parts directly in GNUstep, so Camaelon will effectively be in the end just a specific implementation of GSDrawFunctions using pixmap to draw the widgets...)

Objective-C power :-)

I realize that that probably won't happen, as many users seem to be satisfied with the current look, and changing the UI at that level would probably require much more work.

As I said, the actual architecture is very close to that with the GSDrawFunctions class. Camaelon extends that class and modify widgets so they use it, and thoses modifications will hopefully rolled in GNUstep in the future. So you'll have a clean separation of the way widgets looks -- all the drawing will be in GSDrawFunctions.

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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