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Re: GRC 3.8 Output language Py2 or Py3 (Windows)

From: Paul White
Subject: Re: GRC 3.8 Output language Py2 or Py3 (Windows)
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:11:06 -0000

Hello, Marcus

Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply, and so comprehensively.

I certainly don't want to get into a sterile debate about the merits of Linux vs. Windows (that I'm not qualified for, anyway). But there are a couple of points (here I go, anyway)...

There are Linux builds for an extraordinary range of hardware platforms, and making applications work is not always plain sailing - the support groups testify to that.

And it seems to me that reliance on the shifting sands of Python has consumed a fair amount of development and support resources.

Then there is the infamous WX/QT transition that seems to have upset a lot of users apart from me. Some of us just give up at a certain point, so you won't see endless complaints about the same old problems.

I can understand a "new broom" team may have to dump some legacy code that's too hard to support, but it is a fact that some basic QT widgets do not replicate the full functionality of their WX predecessors. In other words QT is not really mature enough yet.

Windows developers have the "luxury" of an IBM-compatible platform, or what passes for that these days. "Clean" code in C/C++ or C#, without other language or toolset dependencies has been remarkably successful for quite a few SDR authors (some distributing their product for free) who have no inclination to stray beyond Windows despite their excellent programming skills.

My impression is that Windows is *not* a mess. There is a strong market for SDR software on Windows and, thankfully, developers for it.

Sorry, that was more than a couple.

Gnu Radio is a wonderful thing, and at one point made a huge difference for me. And surely it will only get better with time. Congratulations to everyone for all the successes, and many thanks for giving up their time.

Best regards

Paul White

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