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Re: Emailing:

From: Joe Wilkinson
Subject: Re: Emailing:
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2021 18:00:49 +0100
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Thanks Richard
I'll digest this!
Only just found the Movement playback control - I don't use midi much.
I hadn't consciously selected a voice on Mandolin1 Movement 1. So that has now been corrected (I didn't notice it)
Best wishes

On 06/08/2021 17:36, Richard Shann wrote:
On Fri, 2021-08-06 at 15:55 +0100, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
Hi Richard,
I have transcribed this composite Bach Dance Suite for the Mandolin
Orchestra from an original rather scruffy score.
two queries:
When I sent the midi's generated by denemo to Dom** he pointed out
that the first note of (at least) the 1Allegro and the 3Sarabande
midi files sounds truncated. Apparently you have sent him other
midi's that don't have the problem and he thought you might like to
know about it.
The problem is that the tempo for the movement is set in the playback
controls at 120 and then changed after the first note to 92 bpm by a
tempo change directive after the first note. I think movements 4 and 6
also have that problem.
What's more, I see that the setting of tempi in the playback controls
is full of bugs - if you switch movements or reload from disk the
default 4=120bpm is re-instated. I've fixed these bugs now - they will
build tonight. This will mean that you only have to change the tempo
there rather than inserting a tempo change directive at the start of
the piece.

And since I am sending it anyway!:
I noticed your indent on the first system is not quite big enough to
fit MandoCello - you can click on the Indent button in the titles bar
to make it wider. (It's a bug really - you need to set the widest
instrument name last as it guesses the width from the number of letters
and adjusts the indent to suit).
Also, I'm puzzled why the rests
in the first bar of Mandolin 2 are displaced vertically - it is as if
there were a hidden part on the same staff. You can control the heights
of rests but you haven't done that, so why are they up in the air? If
you know I won't investigate...

  The score has two versions of the first Gavotte. I was trying to
convince the die-hards in the orchestra that transposing it from E to
F (making it playable on the mandola) would be acceptable, so wanted
both versions in the printout. So I duplicated the first and arranged
transpose on Print to transpose to F. That worked fine, BUT when I
came to produce the midi files they both sound in E (which might be
expected!) and to produce versions in F and G required transposition
of the editor music. There wouldn't be a "Transpose on Midi Export"
command, that Exported the Typescript version, would there?
I don't think there is, you can change the MIDI transposition of each
staff via its built-in properties, but as a built-in it doesn't allow
you to make the change conditional :(
I don't think there is any MIDI message you can send to transpose the
MIDI output (other than shifting the pitch a small amount) as people
are selling programs and hardware to do just that. It would be trivial
enough to implement though in Denemo...


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