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Re: [Chicken-hackers] compiling Chicken with musl instead of glibc

From: Sergey
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] compiling Chicken with musl instead of glibc
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 03:01:45 -0800

On Mon, 06 Feb 2012 11:08:52 +0100 (CET), address@hidden wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 23:38:34 -0800, Sergey <address@hidden> wrote:
>> The 'gcvt' function has now been added to musl, and using the very
>> latest musl from git, I was able to successfully complete compiling
>> Chicken with musl:
> Excellent. Did "make check" run to completion?

Not quite.  It died with an error: No such file or directory (needed by rev-app/rev-app)

So I tried running the make check again, but with my LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable 
set to where I'd installed Chicken:  /usr/local/chicken-musl/lib with no better 
luck.  The log of this second attempt can be seen here:

One thing I was not sure about was which options to pass to the "make check", 
so I just used the ones I compiled with:

  time make C_COMPILER=musl-gcc PLATFORM=linux PREFIX=/usr/local/chicken-musl 
CHICKEN=./chicken-boot check

Which seems ok, but I wonder about the CHICKEN=./chicken-boot

Is that the right invocation?

>> Now on to try to get Chicken to statically link against musl.  Any
>> suggestions on how to do that?
> You can pass "STATICBUILD=1" on the make(3) command line, see the README
> file.
> You probably also have to pass "-static" when building the compiler and other
> tools, perhaps by trying LINKER_STATIC_OPTIONS="-L. -static".

Thanks, I'll give that a shot.


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