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Re: [Bug-tar] incremental backups and --one-file-system (version 1.25)

From: gene heskett
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] incremental backups and --one-file-system (version 1.25)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:48:47 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.5.3; i686; ; )

On Monday, November 22, 2010 02:36:44 pm Paul Eggert did opine:

> Ah, sorry, I wasn't clear.  What we'd like is a simple
> test case that anyone can run, that illustrates the problem.
> Ideally it would be a single, self-contained shell script
> that creates any requisite files and then invokes GNU tar
> to illustrate the bug.  I can then add this test case to
> the existing GNU tar test suite, as the first step in
> constructing a fix.
> I'm hoping that you can do this in two or three lines of
> shell scripts, and that it doesn't require any massive
> infrastructure like pulling in a copy of Amanda.

Well, as a test case just issue the command shown in the last amgtar-debug 
file, with suitable mods to the paths, to have it do a level 0 of one of the 
subdirs of the unpacked tarball that also has another subdir beneath it, 
and whose output size and possibly even the sha1sum are already known, and 
then compare the test file in tmp to the known good data of that particular 
subdir, one whose contents obviously do not change during the build.

That, and the following check & file deletion should not be more than 3 or 4 
lines I'd think, but I'm just a sidewalk superintendent here, you know your 
code thousands of time better than I do.

I am not that much of a coder, sticking to scripts for stuff that is wash, 
rinse & repeat.  And they tend to be brute force things with && \ line 
endings so they fall over on the spot leaving the errors on-screen.

Cheers, Gene
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