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[Axiom-developer] Re: defintrf.spad, polycat.spad

From: Stephen Wilson
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: defintrf.spad, polycat.spad
Date: 07 Jul 2007 00:00:03 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

address@hidden writes:

> Can you post the POLYCAT.nrlib/code.lsp file from ansi?
> I can compare it against my tree.

I am afraid that I am overtired after a days travel :(.

Looking at the code in more detail tells me that the `differences' are
minor.  Basically, the main change is that under my 2.6.8pre builds we
have copious (PROGN NIL ...) forms, whereas under 2.7.0 these forms
are lacking.  There does not appear to be a semantic difference here,
but I am in no condition to judge until I get a proper nights rest!

For example, in 2.6.8pre, cvs, for the category defaults

(DEFUN |FAMR-;pomopo!;SRE2S;1| (|p1| |r| |e| |p2| $) (PROG NIL (RETURN 
|FAMR-;pomopo!;SRE2S;1!0|) (VECTOR $ |e|)) |p2| (QREFELT $ 11)) (QREFELT $ 12)) 
(QREFELT $ 13)))))

In 2.7.0:

(DEFUN |FAMR-;pomopo!;SRE2S;1| (|p1| |r| |e| |p2| $) (SPADCALL |p1| (SPADCALL 
|r| (SPADCALL (CONS (FUNCTION |FAMR-;pomopo!;SRE2S;1!0|) (VECTOR $ |e|)) |p2| 
(QREFELT $ 11)) (QREFELT $ 12)) (QREFELT $ 13)))

And in particular, the code for exquo appears unchanged, save for
gensym names and so-called sharpsign-equal-sign designators.  My
builds are giving:

(DEFUN |FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8| (|x| |r| $) (PROG (#0=#:G1872 |ans| |t|) (RETURN 
(SEQ (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT $ 30)) (CONS 0 (|spadConstant| $ 15))) 
((QUOTE T) (SEQ (LETT |ans| (|spadConstant| $ 15) |FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8|) (LETT 
|t| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT $ 31)) |r| (QREFELT $ 44)) 
|FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((OR (QEQCAR |t| 1) (SPADCALL 
|x| (QREFELT $ 30))) (QUOTE NIL)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ 
(LETT |ans| (SPADCALL |ans| (SPADCALL (PROG2 (LETT #0# |t| |FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8|) 
(QCDR #0#) (|check-union| (QEQCAR #0# 0) (QREFELT $ 7) #0#)) (SPADCALL |x| 
(QREFELT $ 32)) (QREFELT $ 33)) (QREFELT $ 13)) |FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8|) (LETT |x| 
|x| (QREFELT $ 30))) (LETT |t| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT $ 31)) |r| 
(QREFELT $ 44)) |FAMR-;exquo;SRU;8|))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT 
(COND ((QEQCAR |t| 1) (CONS 1 "failed")) ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |ans|)))))))))))

I would be grateful if you can confirm the above is equivalent to
your tree.


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