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[Axiom-developer] Axiom/GCL on windows

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Axiom/GCL on windows
Date: 10 Dec 2006 10:16:28 -0600


  I have made some progress on getting Axiom compile on Windows (mingw/msys).

First, there is a pending issue with compiler::link and rsym (which I
already mailed Camm about).  I hacked around that problem by copying
rsym.exe in the src/lisp/ sub-directory of the build directory.

The second problem occurs when interpsys is being built.  More
specifically, I have the following error (abbreviated)


echo '(progn (gbc t) (load "makeint.lisp") (gbc t) (user::spad-save 
"../..//build/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/interpsys.exe"))' | 
DAASE="../../../" ./../..//build/i686-pc-mingw32/bin/lisp
GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.6.8 CLtL1    Dec 10 2006 04:26:41
Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp), GPL(unexec,bfd,xgcl)
Binary License:  GPL due to GPL'ed components: (UNEXEC)
Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter

Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.
Temporary directory for compiler files set to ./../..//build/i686-pc-mingw32/

Loading makeint.lisp
Loading sys-pkg.lisp
Finished loading sys-pkg.lisp
Loading ../../../
Finished loading ../../../


start address -T 10629000 Finished loading xrun.o
Loading interop.o
start address -T 1062f000 Finished loading interop.o
Loading patches.o
start address -T 10638000 Finished loading patches.o
   Using local database ../../../   
Re-reading compress.daase   Using local database 
../../../   Re-reading interp.daase

Error: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by RETURN.
Broken at APPLY.  Type :H for Help.


To get to that point I have to disable calls to apply the patch (at
the end of this message) to src/interp/patches.lisp.pamphlet.


-- Gaby

*** usbdisk_2/cas/axiom/bi/src/interp/patches.lisp.pamphlet     2006-11-30 
15:51:12.000000000 -0600
--- usbdisk/   2006-12-10 
08:59:50.000000000 -0600
*************** previous definition.
*** 342,352 ****
      (setq returncode 0))
     (unless (zerop returncode) (bye returncode)))))
! #+:dos
  (setq vmlisp::$current-directory (truename "."))
  (setq vmlisp::$spadroot "/spad/mnt/dos")
! #+:dos
  (defun user-homedir-pathname ()
   (truename "."))
--- 342,352 ----
      (setq returncode 0))
     (unless (zerop returncode) (bye returncode)))))
! #+(or :dos :win32)
  (setq vmlisp::$current-directory (truename "."))
  (setq vmlisp::$spadroot "/spad/mnt/dos")
! #+(or :dos :win32)
  (defun user-homedir-pathname ()
   (truename "."))
*************** previous definition.
*** 379,385 ****
  (defun |makeList| (size el) (make-list size :initial-element el) )
! #+:akcl
  (defun print-xdr-stream (x y z) (format y "XDR:~A" (xdr-stream-name x)))
  (defstruct (xdr-stream
--- 379,385 ----
  (defun |makeList| (size el) (make-list size :initial-element el) )
! #+:ackl
  (defun print-xdr-stream (x y z) (format y "XDR:~A" (xdr-stream-name x)))
  (defstruct (xdr-stream
*************** previous definition.
*** 387,411 ****
             "A structure to hold XDR streams. The stream is printed out."
             (handle ) ;; this is what is used for xdr-open xdr-read xdr-write
             (name ))  ;; this is used for printing
! #+:akcl
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (make-xdr-stream :handle (system:xdr-open str) 
:name str))
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (xdr-open str dir) )
! #+:dos
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (format t "xdrOpen called"))
! #+:akcl
  (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (system:xdr-read (xdr-stream-handle xstr) r) )
  (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (xdr-read xstr r) )
! #+:dos
  (defun |xdrRead| (str) (format t "xdrRead called"))
! #+:akcl
  (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (system:xdr-write (xdr-stream-handle xstr) d) )
  (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (xdr-write xstr d) )
! #+:dos
  (defun |xdrWrite| (str) (format t "xdrWrite called"))
  ;; here is a test for XDR
--- 387,411 ----
             "A structure to hold XDR streams. The stream is printed out."
             (handle ) ;; this is what is used for xdr-open xdr-read xdr-write
             (name ))  ;; this is used for printing
! #+(and :akcl (not (or :dos :win32)))
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (make-xdr-stream :handle (system:xdr-open str) 
:name str))
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (xdr-open str dir) )
! #+(or :dos :win32)
  (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (format t "xdrOpen called"))
! #+(and :akcl (not (or :dos :win32)))
  (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (system:xdr-read (xdr-stream-handle xstr) r) )
  (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (xdr-read xstr r) )
! #+(or :dos :win32)
  (defun |xdrRead| (str) (format t "xdrRead called"))
! #+(and :akcl (not (or :dos :win32)))
  (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (system:xdr-write (xdr-stream-handle xstr) d) )
  (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (xdr-write xstr d) )
! #+(or :dos :win32)
  (defun |xdrWrite| (str) (format t "xdrWrite called"))
  ;; here is a test for XDR

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