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Re: [avrdude-dev] Re: WinAVR

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Re: WinAVR
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 05:35:36 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Bernard Fouché wrote:

E. Weddington wrote:

And a big thanks to you and your colleagues for using v2 so much and testing out all the functionality!


Well, we just had to work you know :-) and it took less time to understand what was going wrong in v2 than looking for ways to downgrade a bunch of stk500 and avrisp we just received, because avrdude is
very well designed and it is very easy to fiddle with it.

Now it would be nice to have avrdude to be able to process the XML definition files in
Atmel\AVR Tools\Partdescriptionfiles\ that avrstudio4 now provides.

These files could also replace avrdude.conf file format, if ever one can reproduce these XML files without copyright problems from Atmel. That would allow avrdude to be completely synchronised with Atmel delivery of new targets and their particular settings. For instance, for v2, the value of the commands to send to the ISP are defined in these files and so one can expect that v2 needs a particular command
value for target A and another for target B to do the same job.

Maybe it's alreay the case, I did not look in details at all the XML files, I just focused on atmega64 &
128, my usual targets.

This has been discussed before and I would certainly welcome such a change. For the moment, I wouldn't worry about the copyright issue; Joerg and I can start asking around to see what it would take to remove that restriction.

From these files one should be also able to produce avrdude.conf but also "include/avr/io*.h" files.

So maybe an external tool would be better to parse Atmel XML files and then produce io*.h files for avr-libc and avrdude.conf for avrdude.

Take a look at the avr-libc project. IIRC, there are some python-based tools. I can't remember if one of them was supposed to do just that.


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