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Re: [Avr-libc-corelib] proposed corelib style guide

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [Avr-libc-corelib] proposed corelib style guide
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:04:20 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

Ron Kreymborg wrote:
As I understand it, the library will be a pre-compiled lib file, with
MCU name in the makefile linking to the matching version for that

This approach is ok for built-in modules, but how about a HD44780
driver? I have not ever made a PCB where the pins for the HD44780 were
exactly like any previous.
Using a HD44780 driver with runtime flexible pin definitions is a (code
size) nightmare. Or is a HD44780 not supposed to be in this library?


Not sure about the PCB pin problem.
For the library, I think a device like this should not be too hard. Most of
the complex stuff is associated with providing various display functions -
text strings, scrolling, flashing, etc, and this would be provided by the
library. Actually handling the ports would be handled by a call-back
function. From memory I think all you need is a send function and perhaps an
"are you busy" function.

Not positive here, but the send would probably look like:

void LcdSend(uint8 value, bool commandFlag);

The user would then stitch their various assigned pin numbers into a
boilerplate sample function provided as part of the library, probably just
by setting a few macros. The byte to output is <value>, and whether it is a
command or data is defined by <commandFlag>. Where necessary, the user could
edit another provided boilerplate function that splits the byte for 4-bit
interfaces. And libc already provides an accurate delay function should this
be needed.

The library need know almost nothing about the hardware connections.


I expect you are thinking of something like low-level functions to put send a byte to the screen and strobe the various control lines or address bus signals.

One thing here is that it can be difficult to find a balance between hiding as much as possible in the library code, and generating fast code. If your low-level functions are too simplistic, then the function call overhead becomes dominant - something like "strobeChipEnable()" or "setRegisterSelectBit()" should be macros or static inline functions, not normal function calls.

If we aim that for the modules to be usable as either pre-compiled code (for user convenience), or by copying the modules to the project, then users can choose themselves. They can then define a their "stropeChipEnable()" function as a normal function linked to the library, or as a static inline function compiled directly into the module if speed is important.

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