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[avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc-list] Kindness and respect.

From: Alan Kilian
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc-list] Kindness and respect.
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 20:40:10 -0600

    This is EXACTLY what I was referring to when I asked people to be 
    more kind when they replied to a simple question.

    Why do people feel the need to be cranky with someone?

    It's pretty simple to just say "You need to add the volatile 
    keyword right here. Here's a URL to a reference for you."

    Instead, it's RTFM.

    Blah. Some people think that they need to be pissy to sound like
    they know what they are doing and I just don't get where that comes

    Be friendly, or ignore the question and let someone nice answer it.

    It doesn't make for a friendly group of very smart people.


- Alan Kilian <kilian(at)bobodyne.com>

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