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[Aspell-user] Using aspell programmatically

From: John P. Hartmann
Subject: [Aspell-user] Using aspell programmatically
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 09:29:09 +0200

I wish to use aspell in one of my own applications.  I can loop up words and get spelling corrections through the C API, but word list management has me stumped.

I have (from a mainframe application) list of words that should be considered valid in the context of specific files/applications/users. 

So I tried to generate a personal word list:

j /home/john/aspell: aspell create personal < john.add
Sorry "create/merge personal" is currently unimplemented.


j /home/john/aspell: aspell create master < john.add
Error: The language "en_GB" is not known. This is probably because: the file "/usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/en_GB.dat" can not be opened for reading.

Quite right, it ain't there and I don't want anyone messing about in that directory.

I tried aspell -c john.add and it gave me a panel of the words, but clicking a or A seems to have no permanent effect. 

My configuration file:

dict-dir /usr/lib/aspell-0.60
lang en_GB
home-dir ~/aspell
personal pwl

The last two lines are out of desperation more than knowledge. 

What did I do wrong?


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