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Re: [uracoli-devel] error in UART baudrate?

From: Tomás Glaria
Subject: Re: [uracoli-devel] error in UART baudrate?
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:37:38 -0300

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Axel Wachtler <address@hidden> wrote:

Am 22.12.2014 um 20:20 schrieb Tomás Glaria:
If "serialdebug" is not mantained, then I guess I'll just implement
another way, no problem.

Note that Wibo resides in the bootlaoder section, you have no IRQs available.
I'd need it just for debug (printing messages when I get some wireless message or somtehing) 
I think it should be enough (for now)

I just need something check for modifications.

Blinking LEDs may be sufficient?
No leds on my boards for now, I'd rather have string some messages.
Also, is there a 'long address comunication implementation'?

The RX adressfilter is feeded with short an long adresses.
Wibohost just sends the short adresses.
I expect to have a 64bit address to use as an unvariable ID but to be
able to change PAN_ID and SHORT_ADDRESS on the nodes by my application.
Haven't found that yet.

Wibo is just using short adresses, the long address resides as flash end, we just reserved it for future use.
But it still accessible, so I'm thinking at least I could read that value and send that identifier wirelessly (as part of the ping commando maybe).
Sometimes I'm having some corruption in the nodes address (when stored in the eeprom), so it's a good idea to be able to read an unvariable identifier.
That way I could wirelessly identify the node with corrupt address and correct it wirelessly.

Also, in the wibo.(txt/pdf) says the the bootloader application and
wibohost application must be the same.
That means that the bootloader can only program wireless nodes on it's
same pan_id, am I right?

Yes. it is.

Is this a restriction on the uracoli 'API' or only in the WiBo?
Easily expandable to use any pan_id or not so trivial?

This restricition depends on Wibo and also on the hardware.

Is your number of nodes larger then 65533?
No, but they are divided in several groups which comunicate with broadcast.
I want/need a broadcast from on group to stay only in that group (I'm using one PANID per group).
Best, Axel.
Thanks for your answers.
I'll keep thinking in solutions for my "problems" 

Tomás Ángel Glaría López
Ing. de Estudios

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