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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Win32 Experimental Version

From: Dan Martens
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Win32 Experimental Version
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 13:55:34 -0400


On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 19:07:15   
 Joris van der Hoeven wrote:
>> You can distribute it anywhere you like, but please note that it is
>> nowhere near stable quality and still has many issues.  I am simply just
>> displaying to you what I have done so far, so I do not want to anger
>> anyone when it crashes on them. :)
>Good; I will put all development stuff in
>       ftp://ftp.texmacs.org/pub/TeXmacs/dev
Sounds good. Is there anyway I could get write priviledges on this ftp 
directory so I can place my nightly stuff there for download?

>I am currently uploading texmacs.rar,
>but this will probably take a few hours.
>> It should also be noted that this version is guaranteed to work on
>> Windows 2000/XP, as for earlier versions, it has not been tested and
>> may not work.

>I only have a Windows 98 around, but I can ask whether there
>is an accessible machine at my university with Windows 2000.
>What is the probably that the program works with Windows 98 too?
It should most likely work on Windows 9X, however, in my experience, there are 
minor API changes in the Win32 layer between 9X and NT.  This may cause 
exceptions or seg faults when running.  Most calls used in TeXmacs however are 
graphics primitives, which are pretty much standard between versions.  Windows 
9X are horrific operating systems and are very unstable at best.  Most people 
have switched to XP by now, which is quite a good operating system.
I did write some code for profile handling on 9X systems, so that should port 
over easily as well.  If anyone has run this on 9X, please let me know.

>> Sorry about the download speed.  My ISP likes to cap my bandwidth.
>No problem; I can put your files on texmacs.org. If you prefer,
>we might also create a CVS project for porting TeXmacs to Windows
>on Savannah.
CVS is not really necessary as I have my own source control implemented here.  
I would prefer to be the only one with access to the X layer source right now 
as well until I get more bugs sorted out.  It would make it far too confusing 
if other developers were writing code in the X layer.  
FTP is fine for me.  I can also upload the source to the FTP if you like.

>> Last night I solved some issues to do with font compiling/loading with
>> the MikTex package.  This change is not reflected however in the version
>> available for download.
>It would probably be good to separate the MikTeX part from the rest:
>MikTeX is very big in size and, hopefully, little changes will
>be necessary in its installer soon. Also, I hope to implement TrueType
>font support later this year, which would allow using TeXmacs without
>TeX (if you don't need beautiful math fonts).
Yes, MikeTeX is huge.  It can be seperated quite easily from the windows 
version.  All that was changed to this was some of the calling conventions to 
makepk and maketfm.

>> I am working on this as much as I can in my spare time right now.  I
>> hope to get this to beta stage soon, but it may take longer as I have
>> quite a few other demands on my time.
>Well, it is already great that you have got something which works;
>I will do my best to try it as soon as possible.
Please do, and let me know what you think.  It may not run very well on slower 
computers, as the graphics are a little choppy.  This is due to 2 factors.  1) 
The X Emulation layer has to mimic the X event system. Due to some inherent 
problems with Windows messaging procedures, this can slow down the program at 
times of heavy messages.
2) All texmacs widgets are natively drawn, and do not use standard windows 
widgets. In the future, a REAL windows version may be desired, or a port to 

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