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Re: Synchronous scheduling

From: Ho Jung Yoo
Subject: Re: Synchronous scheduling
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 15:16:55 -0700

At 06:26 PM 4/21/01 -0700, you wrote:
D4> I just went through your code.  Right now what you have is a Stochastic
D4> Death Model.  There is really no need for agents as each moth is
D4> Are you planning on expanding this?  Even if you are, I don't see why you 
D4> can't have the "step" function in your modelSwarm and then iterate through
D4> the moth list.

Yes, the model will eventually have stage structure and spatial structure,
such that individuals advance through 3 stages with one dispersal event in
the interim, before reproducing and dying (if they live that long).  So,
ultimately, I will probably need to keep track of individuals as agents.
To clarify, you are suggesting that I move the "step" method from Moth.m to

MGD> I would suggest you have a `nextGenerationMothList' list that you
MGD> build, and assign to the `mothList' variable when it is time for the
MGD> next generation to start. 

Can you give an example of how to tell mothList when the next generation
should start?  I tried coding up something similar to that using
getCurrentTime(), but wasn't having much luck with it.

Thanks very much,
Ho Jung

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