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Re: Synchronous scheduling

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Synchronous scheduling
Date: 21 Apr 2001 18:26:28 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "HJY" == Ho Jung Yoo <address@hidden> writes:

HJY> I am building up from a simple model, in which agents simply
HJY> reproduce then die or die without reproducing, in each time step.  

HJY> The step code has two problems, I think, which need to be fixed.  One,
HJY> since offspring get added to the same list as their parents, they too
HJY> get sent the step message in the same time step as do their parents. 

I would suggest you have a `nextGenerationMothList' list that you
build, and assign to the `mothList' variable when it is time for the
next generation to start. Immediately before assignment you could send
the mothList a deleteAll and then drop it.  Yes, that will have some
overhead, but its better to have something working and easy to
understand than it is to have something fast and broken.

HJY> Two, the schedule can be made dynamic, kind of like the one used
HJY> in Mousetrap? 

Dynamic scheduling is just a matter of having an ongoing stream of
at:createActionTo:message: calls with later and later times, such that
there is always something new to do.  It is typically an alternative
to the setRepeatInterval: type of schedule.

It sounds like you will probably be just as well to have a lockstep
generation process so long as you don't care that reproduction is
aligned, e.g. that you don't care that the period of reproduction is
larger than one or different for different agents.

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