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RE: Unsatisfied Link error

From: William \(Bill\) J Buckley
Subject: RE: Unsatisfied Link error
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 13:44:48 -1000

Hi Marcus we are still trying to track down the problem.  In answer to your
question I did not move the javaswarm.dll file it is in \swarm-2.1.1\bin
along with the following files:

04/07/2000  01:32p             607,744 cygwin1.dll
04/09/2000  08:46p             309,251 objc.dll
04/09/2000  08:49p           7,786,711 swarm.dll
04/08/2000  09:07p           2,086,467 cygtk80.dll
04/08/2000  09:21p           1,519,673 cygtcl80.dll
02/06/2000  04:28p             415,232 BLT24.dll
04/09/2000  08:45p          10,638,729 javaswarm.dll

Are these the correct versions of the files.  I noticed even with the
heatbugs example I get the error described below (when running in verbose
mode).  Could you run your windows copy in verbose mode to insure that this
is not a common error (the effect is to stop output to the java command
window which is needed for the DistModel.  My guess is that either the
javaswarm.dll or one of the other dll have been compiled differntly or the
swarm.jar class files were compiled under an incompatible version of java.
Are the actual java files that make up the swarm.jar file available
somewhere where they can be recompiled and rejared with the java sdk I am
using (I am primarily running IBM jdk1.3 but have also tried using Sun
jdk1.2 with similar results.

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden Behalf Of Marcus G. Daniels
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 9:01 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Unsatisfied Link error

>>>>> "WB" == William \(Bill\) J Buckley <William> writes:

WB> [Signaling in VM: java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError, message:
WB> D:\DistModel2000-03-22\javaswarm.dll: Can't find dependent
WB> libraries]

WB> The program is finding javaswarm.dll but I am not sure what
WB> dependent libraries it is looking for.

The first thing that jumps out at me is that you have javaswarm.dll
in the project directory.  There are several dependent DLLs including
cygwin1.dll, and the Tcl and Tk DLLs.  I would suggest you first try
to get your model running from Swarm/terminal first, with just
your Java files in the project directory.

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