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RE: Two actions at one time in schedule breaks next

From: Tee Toth-Fejel
Subject: RE: Two actions at one time in schedule breaks next
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:13:09 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 12:02 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: Two actions at one time in schedule breaks next
> TestMapIndexOld schedules two concurrent events, and then looks at the
> schedule.  The action that is in that spot is an instance of a native
> Swarm-internal class, ActionConcurrent_c.  Since users don't
> explicitly make these instances, and there is no declared interface
> for it in Java, i.e. swarm.jar, one must be constructed on-the-fly.
> That's what the gnu.bytecode library does (in kawa.jar): it generates
> bytecode for a new class with that name. 

Very cool, but then how do I get the time of the swarm.activity.ActionToImpl
and ActionConcurrent_c instances?  I can do a getClass on the object
returned by index.next, but then since it's not really a java class, I can't
cast it and then do a getKey() on it. 

        Object thing = index.next();
      System.out.println ("event: " + thing);
      Class classOfThing = thing.getClass();
      System.out.println ("classOfThing="+classOfThing.toString());
      if  (classOfThing.toString().equals("class
        swarm.activity.ActionToImpl oneAction =
(swarm.activity.ActionToImpl) thing;
        System.out.println ("One action per time unit: "+oneAction.getKey+"
      else if (classOfThing.toString().equals("class ActionConcurrent_c"))
        ActionConcurrent_c manyActions = (ActionConcurrent_c) thing;
        System.out.println ("Many actions in this time unit:
"+manyActions.getKey+" "+manyActions.toString());
        System.out.println ("Thing's class "+classOfThing.toString()+" not

How else do I get the key for each of the actions or concurrent actions?

What I need to do is, given a time, find the first action in the schedule
*after* that time.  Also, I need to be able to determine the last action in
a concurrent group, and if it is not a "pause", add another "pause" to the
end of group at a particular time unit.


Tihamer "Tee" Toth-Fejel                    Member of Technical Staff
(734) 623-2544   address@hidden      http://www.erim.org/ 
Center for Electronic Commerce, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan

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